On Vacation Aug 25th thru Sept 15th.

1938 June Home Arts Needlecraft Magazine, Cocker Spaniel Terrier

Model: pc584

Charming illustration by Diana Thorne on the cover of this magazine depicts a cocker spaniel and terrier begging hopefully by a table set with pastries.
26 pages of articles on homemaking, needlecraft, cooking, decorating.
Larger ads for Advance Patterns (with pattern numbers), Wrigley's Gum, Talon, Sani Flush, etc.
Interesting smaller advertisements in black and white.
Back cover is advertisement for Luck Strike cigarettes.
Inside front cover is ad for dress pattern pieces of "Hand Blocked Oyster Linen" for $1.98 each. Inside back is an ad for Pantry-Shelf pattern dishes.
Solid and complete; small tear to cover on upper left; overall good condition with average toning.

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