Cover titled Jenny Wren by Mary Sherwood Wright Jones. Young girl in a winged chair stitching doll clothes. Shelves of dolls in the background.
The back cover is an ad for Chesterfield Cigarettes depicting a cozy home scene of a family in the study. Inside front cover is ad for Listerine Tooth Paste with endorsement by Nassua's Most Charming Hostess, The Honorable Lady Clifford (who apparently needed some cash). Inside back cover is a contest offer - Can You Find The Twins? Win 2,250.00 or Buick Sedan or 1,250.00. (I just love reading these old ads!)
Article called, "Color Keeps Your Home Youthful" is just as appropriate today, as it was then.
Lots of smaller black and white ads, some recipes, needlework instructions. A very nice issue.